faith., happy holidays., in my head., personal things., simple joys., this is life.

It’s a Wonderful Life…

As Christmas quickly approaches, I’m flooded with images of things we “need”.  Every commercial is aimed at making us feel bad about what we have by showing us things we’re told we can’t live without.  In the hallways I hear everyone talking about what they’ve asked for, what they’re getting.  I am shocked (maybe I shouldn’t be) with how far we as a society have gotten away from the true meaning of Christmas.  It’s not about the stuff, it about a little baby boy who was born thousands of years ago with one purpose; to save us from ourselves.    Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the presents, there are few things that feel better than watching someones face light up after they open a gift, especially one from the heart.  It makes us feel good giving to others, because that’s what we were made to do.  Each of us was built in the image of God, a being who gave us his one and only son, so it’s only natural we be givers too.  I challenge you this holiday season to get your mind off of all the stuff you don’t have, and focus it on what you do.  This year I did things a little bit differently, instead of making a list of what I want, I’ve made a list of what I’m grateful for.  After all I have been truly blessed, it’s a wonderful life and It’s my privilege to share parts of it with you!

  1. My Mom

    { mom, theatre camp, summertime }

  2. My Dad

    { mom, dad, gettysburg }

  3. My Family

    { family, coldwater, summertime }

  4. My Friends

    { friends, bonfire, fall }

  5. My Ballet Girls

    { dance, ritz, summertime }

  6. My Pets (even the dog)

    { rabbits, donny, fair }

  7. My Freedoms

    { freedoms, flag, washington }

  8. My Belly Always Being Full

    { oranges, buns, fridge }

  9.  My Optimism

    { campfires, freedom, summertime }

  10. My God

    { cemeteries, memorial day, crosses }


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